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They slipped on with ease over her french manicured toes. Next she moved onto the garter belt sliding it into place. Next was the smooth thong. Finally, the corset. Standing up she slipped on her heels and stood in the mirror. She was ready. Glancing at the clock she had about 10 minutes before John was to arrive. Sat on the bed, turned off the tv and waited. John walked off the plane, with a sense of nervousness he walked to the exit of the airport. From the plans that were made he should. I took a hit and passed it to Terry. When he took a toke, he passed it back to me. It was obviously some fairly strong pot and with me in the middle, I was getting twice as much as they were which, thinking back was probably Terry’s plan.In no time, I was completely stoned and lust leaned back into the couch. My nightie naturally slid up my legs and Terry reached over pulling the hem up to my waist, exposing my panties. He ran his hand down between my legs, teasing me as he told his friend “ My. Even Renée didn't have curves like that. The cups of her bodice were full to overflowing with the thrust of her incredible breasts. So close was she to not being contained, her nipples threatened to break free for a peek in the daylight. A three liter soda bottle was only a touch narrower than what her torso had been tightened down to, and then her hips exploded out toward a set of the longest, most sleek and muscled legs I had ever seen. Nadia's legs were muscular, but that woman could. She grew to look forward to Bastian's visits with great eagerness not proper for a ruler like herself.She didn't realize it then, but looking back now she knew she had been falling in love with him.But then Bastian's visits started becoming less frequent, he didn't look at Fantasia with the same wonder as he did before.He didn't seem to have time to tell her tales of the human world anymore, and his outlook on life seemed a lot darker.She feared she was losing him then, losing him as Fantasia.
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