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After regaining my composure, Karen led me by the hand upstairs for a costume change and makeup touch up. But after entering her bedroom, she first wanted to check again that I was totally into being their slut maid and wasn't upset by anything done or said. It was so sweet of her and after assuring her I was having the time of my life we fell on the bed, legs wrapped around each other, our hard tranny cocks rubbing together and Karen saying she wants to "make love" to me and have me to herself. Either way was fine for her. “Why did you watch me?” he asked and his face displayed a look of honest curiosity. “I…” she started but her words failed. Gulping, she leaned against the doorframe and braced herself before trying again. “I didn’t know you had such a big…one,” too much emphasis on her last word…her eyes darting down to his dick. “I didn’t mean to be a pervert…I just haven’t ever…seen…” and she realized she was going to have to refer to his penis again. “Y’know…I haven’t ever. That’s not my way, as Sam just found out. I heard Sam’s old Ford pickup start up and go rattling off just as I cum for the third time. “God damn it gal,” I told her, “if they ever make sucking dick an Olympic event, you’ll be a gold medal winner for sure.” “Dell?” she asked.“Yes?” I asked.“Do y’all think next time you can fill my pussy? I got needs and desires of my own.” She looked so wistful there was no way I could say no to her.“Merry, the next time will be all about you. I kissed her lips. She is very family type and has no kid. My chacha is running a shop and returns home for lunch and night. I used to hang with chachi helping with her works and she used to look at me as a son. We used to go on my bike for shopping.My fucking intention started when once I stayed at me chachi home 6 years back as she was alone due to chacha went out of station. My chachi used to get up by 6 am daily and does her work. One day in morning chachi took a bath and came out just wrapping her saree.
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