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They planned to make an afternoon of it, so naturally Wanda packed a bottle of wine and some glasses. They found a nice, secluded spot where not much foot traffic would pass by and uncorked the wine. Wanda was dying to hear the nasty details of Peggy’s sordid activities.First, they got caught up on each other’s social and family life before they started in on the juicy stuff. This also gave Peggy time to finish a couple of glasses of wine so her story would not be watered down by sober. It’s more than that. It’s the adventure of men and women on the pursuit for happiness and orgasms. Men that jump out from ink and pencil to our minds. The women that make you burn when you read an erotic comic or check erotic art on the Internet.And now they are there. Waiting for pleasure. Waiting for me and you.Now, I am the one who tells you stories. Sexy stories. Naughty stories.And it’s better start now.***Vic woke up on his king-size four post bed after a well-received slumber. It was his. He sensed more movement and turned to look at his wife.Slowly, as if she were merely relaxing, her knees were separating. As her legs spread, Jared's gaze was drawn to where they joined at her groin. Nothing hid the soft dark thatch of her beaver. Jared's eyes were riveted by the hint of moist pink flesh peeking out from behind her bush.His wife wasn't wearing any panties.When a hand slid down to softly stroke her mound, Jared's eyes jerked up to find Stacy staring back at him. She set the book. Wait a fucking minute! That was as female wolf and I remember Ivan called Destiny 'a wolf that is also a lady'! Could she have been? No fucking way... Present – Jens, Stacy, Liz, Bernie, Jack, Masha, Ivan and Samantha - At the cabinI begin to get everyone focused on finding Ben instead of arguing. Masha and Ivan return, then Stacy's trailers begin to arrive and we are distracted. Stacy rides off on her horse and begins to order the truckers where to put the trailers. This actually makes me.
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