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I noticed some weight loss,but considering the strange milky diet, that was to be expected.Apparently, the milky substance contained a lot of vitamins, since I didnot crave for any solid food. My belly slowly diminished and my legs andarms got slimmer. But strangely I seemed to get some extra weight on mybuttocks. And the aureoles on my nipples looked bigger than before.Since I was still naked and had no way to clean or care for my body, mynails grew out and my hair got longer. It already. .. where are you? Come play with me... 'Just thinking about confronting one of those magnificent stingers curling up over the back of a giant enormous scorpion made her stomach tighten and nipples rise in excitement – or maybe that was from the constant scratching of these primitive fronds against her naked flesh as she searched.Another buzzing sound and something delicate brushed against her shoulder blade, then bit her. Deep! Lisa yelped, then twisted around, trying to grab the thing, but her. " She is an egg?" Oh no she just hasn't reached her age to hatch yet." So what is she a dinosaur mutant?" the officer asked."Not exactly close. She is a dragon." And you are going to tell me you are one too? stop shitting me!" Mortal don't try your game with me I was born before you species evenhad left the the stadium of a single cell," Brothers eyes started to glowwith his inner fire and the room went bright as if light by a fire."Okay calm down please Mr. Black Shadow. I will call the lab to. "How did you kill him?" I didn't. Like I said, Brenda did. He stuck a gun in her face. I was busy moving Angel out of the living room so she wouldn't see the bastard die. He deserved it, and he was threatening Brenda with a gun. He acted crazy enough to use it, too." So she killed him? How? And yeah, I remember what you told me about working for that ... uh, company, as you called the agency you used to work for." She crushed his larynx. I haven't had a chance to talk to her without Angel.
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