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Girls. Smoke. And Miss Carrie!I was new blood. The girls currently in the room quickly came over to take the temperature of my interest. I was polite, but demurred for now, nursing my way slowly through a couple of drinks. Not that the girls weren't cute. They all were. All young too - or too young - for my particular preference. Most seemed about eighteen, which actually might have been authentic for the real West.Over time, some new girls came out from the rooms in back, while others paired. There were a few women in the office but all mostly men. Harassment back then was not uncommon and I didn't bother me much, back in the late 70's. I had been married for just under a year now and had just started to be a shared wife and loving it.The guys always leered at me especially the truckers. I had to wear dresses and skirts for work at the time and of course I wore them short, had no others. A few guys were fairly nice and got to know a few a little better. I always wanted to look. K had lifted the hem of her dress up above her waist Ivana leaned forward and slipped her thumbs into the elastic waistband of Mrs. K’s knickers and yanked them down to her knees. She then took hold of Mrs. K’s wrist and gently pulled her, indicating quite clearly she expected Mrs. K to go across her lap.Mrs. K fully expected Ivana to be the one to take her knickers down, just as had happened when she was at university. It certainly was something that immediately put her in her place then, and. He hoped not.He was about to broach the subject when she told him about her forthcoming weekend. It put him off. There would be time after her visitor had left.He thought no more about it until the Friday afternoon when he realised he had not got the little treats the children liked, and went out to get them. On the way to his car he saw another car driving in, it was an upmarket BMW, one he did not know.He wondered who it was and which flat the driver wanted. He sat in his car and watched. The.
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