Forsesex mp4

.. and to my surprise, it kept going in my mouth. I just got ass ****d and now my mouth was getting abused. I could taste cum. I could taste ass. I could taste his sweat. I could smell his pubes as he started going deeper into my mouth. "Ya that's how come God made you my bitch boi. No gag reflex. Too bad, I like it when my bitches struggle." Every word he said was a dagger to me. 'My bitches'? How many times had he done this? When was it going to stop?... This went on for what felt like hours,. I stroked her clitoris slowly, savouring the taste of her wetness, and slid a finger inside her to find her g-spot. She took my hair in her hands, and pressed me into her pussy, urging me on. I took my time; we had all night. I focused on just touching her clit with the tip my tongue, tap tap tap. A long slow teasing dance. Soon, the urgency in her movements told me she was nearly ready, so I increased my rhythm and slipped a finger into her anus. Her whole body came off the bed as she exploded. He was very descriptive andleft nothing out. She was now past the letter and very aroused. Shewanted him to know how this story he wrote had made her feel. Shewanted him. He was miles and miles away, but she wanted to share anexperience with him.She called his cell phone and in her sexiest voice began to describein detail what she was doing to herself. She wanted him to know thatbecause of his story, she was so turned on that she was rubbingherself towards her first orgasm of the night. He made. I noticed and Immediatly ordered her in front of me. I had her lay down on her back, and I stradled her face. I made her tounge my asshole and lick my balls as Ash her my under carraige like a good whore, I explained to the 3 of them that for the next 3days, they would be fucked continuosly. They would only be allowed to orgasm when told to by an instructor, If the Ti (Training Instructor) want her to. Ash was swirling her tounge around my asshole when I decided I needed to cum..
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