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Wide hips, sexy stockings, garter G-string undies hid little. Those big full breasts dominated the scene. Only Queen, was without a mask and she smiled at me as I took in the buffet of munchables that stood in an informal circle to greet me. She also stood out with her blond hair blue eyes and full, heavy breasts. “Girls, this is the guy I was talking about. He has been writing the dirty smut for me lately and the one that keep distracting me with his nasty little chats! Bryan, welcome to. Her tender breasts swayed in the air as Melvin ripped her pussy apart like a machine relentlessly. She was struggling hard to contain her forced moans of utter joy. Melvin too was breathing hard while he kept mumbling ‘Take it’. Cecilia kept pushing her ass backwards not to let her brother’s rampaging cock get out of her oozing pussy. The siblings went along fucking while their bodies slammed against each other with loud noise.“Melvin!” Cecilia screamed apparently due to her fast approaching. Susie gasped. One of the gorilla's hands was wrapped around his thick black penis, he was slowly stroking it back and forth. I never knew they masturbated, Susie thought, as she stared at him, unable to look away. The gorilla, named Charlie, scooted forward, getting closer and closer to the bars of the exhibit. His penis must reach nearly a foot, Susie wondered, and thick as a coke can. He was able to sit right at the edge of the exhibit, part of his cock sticking out past the bars. Susie. It only takes a couple of minutes of me licking her clit and lips while grabbing, spreading and fingering her ass before she starts to grind and moan while she orgasms. The last two sessions have ended up with her cumming hard. She hasn’t squirted yet, but her pussy drips the creamiest, sticky sweet cumm that I have tasted; If is literally dripping down her leg. This last session (about 2 hours ago) left her with a large amount dripping slowly down her inner thigh. I managed to capture most.
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