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I can microwave you a bagel sandwich if you like. Helen dropped them off last night." What I didn't say was, If you don't eat them, they are going into the trash untouched. Unless of course some homeless guy walks by this morning."If it's no trouble," she said. "I would love the coffee, but I just came from Helen's." No trouble at all," I said pulling one of the ceramic cups from the cabinet and running hot water to rinse the dust off it. " Do you want some of that fake dry creamer, which I. "If I rub your cock from now on, whenever you want, would you let me live here?" Jesus, Lori, you're really willing to whore-out hand jobs for half a bed in a shitty apartment?" A third of a bed, and I don't give hand jobs to strangers."I was having trouble talking to her while she was working my cock over with those hands of hers. Her fingers were spread apart to keep a grip on the shaft, her orange nails glistening with lube."I think I'd be less shocked if you were giving hand jobs to. Janice is really good, I guess”. I had learned life is much easier to live to the fullest when you know your balls are going to be swallowed dry every evening with the kind of great care and compassion only your own mother can provide. The memories and the knowledge that the next time would soon follow kept me exited and energetic during the day.We were seeing Dr. Janice twice a week to give updates about our situation and to make sure we hadn’t skipped any evenings. The intention of this. It would be practically impossible for him to override that instruction. I could use the voice to get through this situation with relative ease, but it was against my ethic to bend his will more than I needed to.“I’m not a demon. I think you already know that. You saw an animal change into a man; is that really so strange? Haven’t you ever seen an animal change before? Maybe a butterfly?”His eyes narrowed. He was trying to figure out my strategy, my manipulation.“I suppose,” he said finally..
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