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I checked on the bed, but it wasn't there. I looked all over the room, under Vicki's bags, and even back on the bookshelves. I couldn't find it. Then I looked under my bed. There it was. It looked like it had slid between the bed and the wall. I climbed on my bed to the other side, but the space was to small to fit my hand. I tried moving the bed a bit, but the between the heavy wood frame and the damn matresses, I couldn't budge it. I took the only option left and crawled under. I pulled. Monica steered the conversation to summer vacation and mentioned that she had just bought a new bikini for this coming swimming season. Jessica piped up that she too had just bought a new suit, went over to her dresser and pulled it out. It was a bright green bikini she bought last week. Monica looked at it and wondered how it would look on Jessica and asked her to try it on. Jessica took off her white top, which revealed her big breast cupped with white lacy bra and both girls surprised to see. As I walked into the room, I heard K moaning all over again and thought “Holy shit! She’s wasted beyond reason” when I noticed a third head between K and Anil. I also distinctly saw a hand move under the sheet and K started moaning again.I whipped up the sheet to find my classmate’s younger brother, one hand rubbing his crotch and the other inside K’s jeans. I grabbed him by the shirt, hauled him up and slapped him while I chased him out. Nobody was going to mess around with my best friend’s. "Let your mother and I discuss this, and we will talk about it in the morning," he told me.I nodded, and had an uneasy night thinking about it.In the morning, I was up very early. I went down, and soon my parents joined me. I looked at them expectantly as Girl served us breakfast. During breakfast my father said, "Your mother and I have discussed it. Again, if you had come to us earlier we may have recommended that you not go forward with your plans, but what's done is done. The way you tell.
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