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We admitted to each other that we were both still virgins. We had both had girlfriends but hadn’t yet struck it home. Little did we know, in an hour that would change. Chase and I had just finished the topic of porn and shaved pussy vs. unshaven. and we’re both in the agreement that we liked shaved better. All of a sudden my cell vibrated. Lauren had texted me and told me and chase to come across the hall to her room. So thinking that they just wanted to talk we walked in on Lauren and Ashley. Beth looked up at me and smiled. She took my hand and moved it off her breast. I thought Beth was telling me no until she slipped my hand under her retro K. D. Lang T-shirt. She was wearing a soft bra, and I could feel her nipples through the material. I could not help myself. I kissed Beth. She put her hand behind my neck and held me in place as she ran her tongue across my lips.I tried to pull away, thinking Emily might see us. Beth continued to hold me in place.Then we heard Emily, “What the. ............................ CHAPTERONE. ? A Night to remember.She stood and checked herself in the mirror, the make up looked good, theoutfit was daring yet classic in its flattery of her shape. It had been a longtime since she had been dressing up to go out. Even though she was the youngend of her thirty's she had not spent much time being single and had no time tolook after herself while she was raising her family. She was not bitter ratherthe opposite, there was. .. but the second. I felt her eyes again. I felt her burning into me with her eyes, almost savoring the moment, like a first step towards something. like an inauguration. or maybe I was just getting drunk. nasty fucking quervo, and quickly with a chaser to make it all better."not too bad" I lied."Fucking awful," she laughed, "The next one will be much sweeter, I promise, maybe lemon drops? I just needed to kickstart this evening. Besides, isn't this all part of the plan?" she winked. I am.
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