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It’s supposed to increase their milk production.“I know that you’re aware of what a pain it will be to build and certify a larger slaughterhouse and dairy,” I reminded Dad, who nodded.Back in my office, I paid for the webinar and watched the first half, surprised at how detailed it was. I guess that’s why they let you record it if you paid to watch it. Nobody could absorb everything the first time through.I was getting something to drink in the kitchen when Wekesa came running in just before. He said he was seeking a new sub but could not make a decisionwithout meeting her. So they arranged to meet the very next weekend. She askedHim if he would use her as his online sub, at least for today. He agreed! Herheart soared at the news! For the next few hours he put her through her paces.He forced her to submit in ways she had never contemplated making her sub do.At one point, He required her to go outside and expose herself to a bunch ofteenage boys walking by in the hallway. It was. Her hands traveled all the way from my shoulders, down my back, pressing against me, massaging away my tension. Further they traveled, inching down with each pass, slowly advancing towards the sheet that was the only thing protecting my modesty.It offered no resistance as she pushed it down, inch by inch, gradually revealing my ass to her talented hands. “Is this okay?” she asked. I could offer only a drowsy grunt of affirmation as she continued, caressing my cheeks, kneading them. Her hands. ”Annie takes the dress from the girl, feeling complimented. She says, “Thanks…”–“Maybe I’ll try it on…”Annie walks back toward the fitting rooms holding the dress, Mehek follows her with another dress, looking at Annie’s ass she says-“Try this one, it falls perfectly on a good ass”, handing Annie another butt wrapping dress.Annie hangs the dress she brought on a hook in the fitting room. But she’s surprised to find Mehek entering the fitting room doors behind her!Mehek, with the other dress in.
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