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"What could be more tempting to a mob of derelicts than two attractive females walking down a quiet street alone? They couldn't resist. They pulled along side us trying to get us to stop and talk, eventually we did. Now began the lurid comments, suggestions that we get in the car with them for some fun. Sophie was sweetness personified, leading them on, encouraging more of their filth.In her sweetest voice, she said. "I doubt any of you are big enough to interest me. I like them big, and hard.. She was looking gorgeous in her indian wear.She wore a light pink salwar kamiz. A very simple dress indeed but simplicity rocks.I took her to my room and told her that today lets have drink.She never had drunk before, so a bit reluctantly she agreed.I prepared wine for both of us. I didn’t drink much but she drank a whole glass and asked for more. I got the indication that the wine is getting over her. I gave her more drinks till she was totally drunk. Now she was acting crazy. She was dancing. Completely in, he paused until he felt her taking matters into her own "hands." He began to go in and out of her, setting a comfortable pace. She was responding with fervor. She bucked up to meet his thrusts, and swiveled her hips from side to side as he withdrew. It felt as if she was sucking him gently through every move. He heard her whispering, at first very softly, but getting louder with every stroke. "Give it to me. Fill me with your sperm. Fill me all the way, I'm almost there. FUCK ME!. I guessed that Sandra had told Julie what she’d done.Anyway after a while my blood pressure went down and my erection subsided, and I began to feel a bit less frustrated, even though there was 3 days’ supply of spunk still in my system. Shortly afterwards there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” I said. The girls came in, Julie first, then Sandra. Julie stood about halfway down the bed, and Sandra next to the head. Sandra spoke up. “We’ve finished now, but you haven’t left the money out.”Of.
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