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I’m a guy. So sue me.“Lissa, have I told you lately how much I love you?”“You might have mentioned it, but it could be my imagination,” she answered. I reached over and kissed her, licking a little dab of whipped cream off the corner of her mouth.“It seems like we haven’t been alone together since ... what ... our Valentine’s Day outing? I miss being with only you sometimes.”“That was a wonderful day. Our dance cards have been full.”“God! I’m glad that some of that is over. Painting the mural. ”“I’ll bet I look at more numbers than you do. They’re aggregated, sure. You don’t ask your salesman how many minutes they spent with Dr. Smith and how many minutes they spent with Dr. Jones. You do ask him how many minutes he spent with doctors that day.” Which wasn’t quite true, and the inaccuracy threw him off the point she was making.“Maybe I should. Actually, I don’t.”“Well, I don’t look at what your company sold this week, but I do look at what the drug industry sold last year. And I look. Mary, see to Mister... What did you say your name was?" Bill, Bill Jefferson." See to Mr Jefferson's needs while I'm off to talk to the Mayor," he said, and then he left promptly."What could I do for you Mr Jefferson?" she asked.My first thought was a blow job would be a great way to start, but I didn't mention it. I stood up and noticed for the first time that Mary was taller than old Silas had been. That wouldn't have been too hard since he was something of a runt at around five foot three.. No need to tell you how well Julia has worked out for me, and Ava's fun to play with. I LOVE the way my life is working out, Mark. Mainly because of the three of us of course, but the other parts are good too. I like that we can have fun while still feeling secure with each other. That's very nice." Good for you. And I DEFINITELY agree with your last point. I LOVE that I can do that too!" For me it was far beyond "very nice". I obviously got a lot more out of it than either girl, who weren't.
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