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All of a sudden, Arjun started to describe them sexually as how their boobs were and how their asses looked in the tight skirts!At first, I was shocked but seeing my friend Vishal listening to him with all curiosity and both making more sexual descriptions of making out with them and fucking them made me feel different.When I was listening, all of a sudden Arjun said I have a body similar to a girl named Pooja in class. I was shocked! I was staring at him and he started to compare my body to. I had just come in the house when the phone rang and apparently Mavis picked up the upstairs phone just as I picked up the phone in the kitchen and I heard Kim tell Mavis in a panicked voice:"I just got back from the store and Carrie told me Dave had come by and picked up your car and the camera."I heard Mavis say; "Oh shit! I'd better go" and I heard her hang up. A minute later she came running down the stairs and I heard her run to the den. When she came into the kitchen she had a worried. “Um… No?”“For some reason I’m not surprised.” She chuckled. “You have lots to learn.”She dove back onto my mouth. I felt her tongue enter my mouth. She tagged my tongue lightly and retreated. I followed her invitation and snaked my tongue into her mouth. The bittersweetness of the wine flooded my taste buds. Sarah reached down without breaking the kiss and pulled my forgotten hands around her. She wanted me clutch her buttocks and I had no objections.I should assert my dominance, women love. I jumped in the lake with my towel and sun dress in tow and swam to their boat and within minutes had 2 sets of strong hands pulling me over on their boat.George was yelling asking me to come back. I showed him the middle finger. Once on the boat I asked the boys to gun the boat away from the loser. Here I was on these hot looking guys boat, driving away from George and I felt really good. George was stood there on his boat a little stunned never came after me either. I knew that was the last I.
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