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We had fun. Finally we stopped, turned on a room light and blew out the candles. Then we shared an amazing hug. Her body felt incredible all slippery with the oil. We removed the worst of it with paper towels. I picked up the towels and spread corn starch on the floor to absorb the drippings the towels missed and then scraped and swept that up. We went upstairs and shared a really nice shower together. Then we went to bed. Life is good. When I am making love with Ann life is very good indeed.. Hi, Cindi. Sorry, door was open. Didn’t know you were here.”“It’s okay. Nothing you haven’t seen,” she said reaching for the TP and wiping her shaved pussy in front of me. Actually I had never seen a girl pee before, but I tried to roll with it.“Next.” She said getting up and pulling her panties up before flushing and washing her hands.“I can wait.” I said, although I wasn’t sure I could. It had been a long campaign with a lot of Cokes.“Go ahead. I don’t mind.” She said. “Actually I’d like to. The coach and Mr. Smith looked at each other and then at her, "Well for starters your husband cannot go to the first few games Timmy plays in," to which the husband nodded his head as the coach continued, "Also we will represent Timmy in getting recruited for the major league," again her husband nodded his head.Mister Smith turned towards Timmy's father and said, "And lastly to seal the deal that hot little wife of yours is getting involved too as you are going to let us use her for the entire. "You fucking bitch!" He bellows behind me, and I cringe. I know I'll pay for that. I'm only about ten feet away from him and for some reason I'm possessed to glance over my shoulder to judge my position. He's rage embodied with his fingers fisted at his side, his eyes on fire, his sweaty skin turning red with anger. When I turn my head back to the path ahead of me, my balance is thrown off and I fall to the floor. I cry out, more from fear than pain, and he advances on me quickly. I try to.
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