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“I’ll never forget that. I’d missed it.” It wasn’t so much the words as the look on her face as she said it, and the sparkle in her eyes. I didn’t ask what ‘it’ was. I just melted. Hold it together. It’s been a long time. Things have changed. We’ve changed. Starters came and went. One bottle of wine finished, another replaced it. Main courses followed. The conversation didn’t stop for a moment. Time stood still even though the clock said 8 and then 9PM. I was falling all over again. “I. I traced the head and ran my finger over his opening, which covered my finger with his cum. I brought it up to my mouth and tasted cum for the first time. It was mildly salty but had little flavor and no real smell. At some point I was going to have to take him into my mouth and run my tongue over the slit of his penis and taste his cum and feel the soft skin of his penis on my tongue but not now. Now I wanted to feel him inside of me. Maybe one day Tom would want to run his tongue through the. His cock hadn't softened at all. "Ned, you're still hard." She giggled and said, "What's the matter, you haven't cum in a month?" No ... no ... sometimes I..." he said; his voice trailing off."Sometimes you have to jack off a bunch to lose your hard-on?" she finished for him. He nodded. "Sounds like a problem most guys would love to have," she said."You don't understand. I was dating this girl about six months ago. Sometimes she would just look at my cock and I would pop like a firecracker. So. .. they must be changing positions then I hear the familiar sloppy sounds of their bodies grinding. He’s saying to ride him harder. I can only imagine he’s sat on the sofa with her straddling him, riding his cock like a pro. Her breasts in his face, he’s probably sucking her nipple. Imaging their lust filled session is driving me wild. As I rub my pussy fast I know I’m close so slow my pace knowing I’m not to cum. I hear her talking dirty to him “yeah you like that sir? You like my pussy.
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