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I’m really looking forward to it.”I could barely sleep. The very next day, I’d be showing a stunningly beautiful woman around town. She had given me her address when we had spoken and I was going to pick her up around nine. I woke up around six, and took a shower. Just the thought of her started getting me hard. I didn’t want to have an embarrassing hard on at some point during our little outing, so I jerked off quickly, or tried to, but it ended up taking longer than I thought, and I ended. "Licorice didn't want to hurt my feelings, but I needed the truth."I mean, look at that Amber chick," I said while I shuffled the cards. "It was like she hypnotized me or something ... Cut."I dealt the cards while Licorice licked his paws."I didn't even think I liked her that much," I sighed. "I licked her armpits. Huh? You want another card? I got a five, Lick ... You oughta stand."He never listened to me and I gave him a queen."Ha! Twenty-three," I grinned at him. "Told ya so!"Lick gave me a. .. this time, even stronger ... knocking over one of the sawhorses when she did ... Your Mama was just moaning and squirming and cussin’ like crazy!”“Oh man, I bet that was a sight!” I croaked, taking another shot of bourbon.“You know it! There’s nothing better than sexually overwhelming your wife, is there?” he smiled.“Nope.”“Same for your parents, my boy. We’re all just human animals,” Dad chuckled. “So after letting my fingers marinate a bit in her juices, I finally retrieved them from her. Why start a relationship, knowing that it could end as soon as she found out. Neither one of the needed their hearts broken again.A week went by, and she never called, went online or came by his house. He knew that if he chased her that she would never want to talk to him again. It was late one night and he was just about ready to go to bed, when she got online. She asked if she could come over for a little bit. He said yes.When she stopped by they had a long talk about his lingerie fetish, and.
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