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He returned a couple of minutes later with a tray. The lights were out, but I could still see that on the tray was an ice bucket, a small plate with wedges of limes, a bottle of Havana Club Rum and a tall bottle of Coke. He wasted no time in “freshening our drinks” and sat down even closer to me than before. “How long can you stay, Sandy?”I felt his hand on my thigh again and his head was very close to mine. I took a big drink of my Cuba Libre and told him I only had a few minutes, as I had. As he waited for her, he noticed a young man with a backpack looking at a map. A plan quickly formulated in his head. When Tina returned she saw the young man sitting in the back seat.Gary introduced the young man, who’s name was Richard. He smiled at her and said, “all of his friends call him Dick.”Gary pulled back on to the interstate and drove a few miles before looking over at Tina and reminding her of what she had said. She blushed and told him to be quiet, but Dick leaned up between the. Rachel is a very good nutritionist and she also motivates her clients to strictly follow the diet plans she gives. For me, her sexy body was even more motivating to get in good shape. I kind of got vibes from her that she found me attractive. It looked like she had been married for quite a long time (she had two kids that are in elementary school). I am sure at that point you get bored of the same things in sex life and start fantasizing wild things.I worked hard on my diet plan and I was. It was cold outside so we left the truck running. We started talking about work friends and the next thing I knew he had his black hands up my shirt taking my bra off. Damn I was on fire, I kinda helped him get it off. He pushed my shirt up and forcefully helped his self and took it off too, then started licking and sucking my tits!!!!!I was loving it and then he grabbed my hand and again forcefully put it on his crotch, I started to rub it and felt his Big Black dick getting hard, it was big.
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