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" Yes, Ms. Lymon," Marsha managed to say, backing out the door.As she made her way to her car, Marsha could not believe her good fortune. The figure the woman had quoted was almost three times what Randy had ever made at the machine shop. Her spirits raised as she thought about now being able to afford the mortgage payment and what she might be able to get for Chris -- that newer computer for his school work, maybe even a car when he turned sixteen. Yes, she thought, things were looking up.. I had not been prepared for any of it. I screamed out in pain. His fingers moved in and out of me slowly. Shh., love He whispered. He leaned down and placed his lips against mine. His fingers slid from inside me and placed them into my mouth. I Tasted the juices, from his fingers, that he pulled from me. One hand he took off his shirt and undid his pants. My eyes went down between my legs. His cock was thick, veiny, and throbbing with anticipation. He was hard as marble. I did not want it, not. The owl watches. Bramier watches.This is why he smiles. He's had the universe opened up tohim. I can never unknow what I know now. But, my taskremains undone. I lie back again, and close my eyes.I inhale consciously, and sit up. I fold my legs and restmy arms on them, palms up. I exhale, and inhale again.Softly, gently, rhythmically. Starting with the tip of myhead, I begin pushing the energy out. The built-up anxietyof wondering what this moment would be like... I let it go.Like tiny luminous. He straightened up haughtily. “I said: why—d, urk!”The spear blurred forward and pierced his throat while he was talking. Brunhyldar stepped back as the man collapsed.“I have been warring since before your ancestors were born!” She snarled. “You think you can take a Valkyrie? Come and get it.” She banged her shield with the spear haft.There was a tension in the air, and some men adjusted their grip. But nobody was willing to take that crucial first step. Their blood was up, but as the pause.
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