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Then I opened the door for the two guys in the other room to watch her.One guy has been with us before, so as he was massaging his partner, I was taking turns massaging my wife and I started running my hands between her legs to see if she would object. She wriggled but did not say stop so I opened her legs wider and started playing with her clit then rotated between massaging her tits and fingering her cunt whilst smiling at the other guys.He came in, said hi to my wife and started massaging. Yucky daddy. Ok hunnie all clean lets go up to your room and get your favorite pair of pajamas on. Ok daddy. We went up to her room. Her room was basically designed and furnished with little girl items and clothing. Go pick out your favorite pair hunnie. She picked out a tinker bell top and bottom. Amy got another pair of tinker bell underwear to wear so it will go with your pajamas. Yes daddy. She picked out a purple pair with tinker bell on her front and her butt. Amy its time for bed I. After what must have been several seconds, but which seemed like severalhours, Mom stepped forward and gathered me into her arms as I collapsedin tears.Over the rest of the day my mother and I did a lot of talking. After alot of heated discussion, I finally drew from her the story of what shehad done to me. Basically what she told me was that she was afraid oflosing me after Dad died. For some reason, she started feeding me femalehormones, hoping that they would "quiet me down" and make me a. I ran down to her pussy. Waw, it was neatly shaved and smelled like a garden. Yeh! it revealed the smell of different flowers at a time. I put my hands over the garden and ran through the garden. Then i put my finger into the clit drawing line over it. I thrust one finger into her pussy. She was shaking her body in excitement and moving her hip. I thrust to explore her deepness.As i stroked my finger against her pussy wall, it started to give honey for my touch. Yeh, her pussy became wet as i.
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