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I couldn't help but notice with all the ducking and bending she was having to do, her skirt was riding higher and higher. It wasn't the only thing rising to the occasion either, as I was definitely aware of my own erection.We'd reached the back of the loft and Chrissy did a final measurement whilst crouching down before turning to talk to me only to find herself looking straight into my groin."Oh my," She giggled. "Did I do that?" There's no one else here," I answered with an embarrassed. Dr. Townsend seemingly ignored Stuart and continued the flogging. "N-no more, please, oh please!" Stuart let go of the desk he was bending over and began pounding it with his fists. Moira's stomach was turning.What the hell was wrong with him? Stuart was an athletic young man, and could have easily broken away from the doctor, shit, they could be filing charges against Townsend at a lawyer's office in this same building, but instead Stu was behaving like a five year old with no options.Look at. But she wasn’t about to let the ship she was on get taken out – especially not with her on it. As the frigate dove behind the Broadsword and swept itself around for another pass, she fished out a bottle of crackling blue lightning. She crushed it between her fingers, bringing her left hand up behind her. Wind swept around her body and her hair turned from her normal raven hues to pure white. She thrust out her finger and spoke a word in the that had been common in the tongues of the. From that first time on to the end of Summer Missy would make her way to the pool and end up in Ian’s office. He taught her what it was to fuck and she soaked up that knowledge with a virtuosity he couldn’t believe. She was a great lay, there was no two ways about that. After that Summer Missy never went back to the pool and never really saw Ian again. Her sexual attention shifted to boys nearer to her own age (as well as a few occasional older ones).Missy couldn’t stop thinking about that.
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