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He knew he was not really fucking her; he was only sliding his rigid fuck stick up and down her lovely ass, but it was enough! With a grunt, Tim began shooting thick ropes of man juice all over her back and up and down her ass crack….Then he felt Tammy reach back and pull him tight as the last spasm of ejaculation sent his body rigid up against her! He was shocked and mortified! How was he ever going to explain… how was he ever going to look at his sister again!?He felt her hand on his at the. I brought over this sub as a peace offering in case you got hurt. It’s gotta be better than that ... well whatever that is.” I said pointing at his plate, as I passed one of the subs across.He eyed the sub, as though wondering whether accepting it would mean he accepted the peace offering or not.In the end he did grab it, ripped it open and took a big bite. “If you think this settles things between us you have another think coming” he mumbled around the food in his mouth.Realizing that nothing. I continued to fuck Kavita ’s tight rear as I watched Smita’s face fill with pleasure as her mother worked her magic on Smita’s cunt and asshole bringing her daughter to a massive climax. Even with all this stimulation I found I was unable to get hard right away and sat and watched as mother and daughter continued to pleasure each other for the next few minutes. After they had wound down their passion a bit Kavita got up and went to the dresser retrieving a large strap on double dildo. Wetting. " Now I will ask again one final time or do everything I promised to do.Will you do as mother asks of you?" Yes mother, I will do what you ask me to do. I will show you the loveand respect you so richly deserve. I will act every bit the part of ayoung lady and enjoy your training sessions mommy," Johnny said in a softdelicate voice.Johnny could see his mother smiling in the mirror. It was her firstgenuine smile of the day. Miss Styles redesigning of her son had began.The first high heeled steps.
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