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For my turn I stood behind Sarah as we tongue kissed before I knelt and raised her dress again with my hands on her hips before I licked and kissed her glorious ass cheeks, my erection obvious under my tight trousers.“Now my turn to do something erotic,” our hostess Maxine told us as she slowly raised her dress to expose her huge extended clitoris with lots of jet black pubic hair. “Is that erotic or not?,” she smiled as we all stared at it, the women especially. “That is huge and just fucking. You ask how can a attractive young musalimah is not married, she replies she's divorced. Now time to strike, you take her hand and rest it on your election and ask her does she miss this? She looks away , but you gently turn her head back, you tell her it's okay, nothing to worry about. Then you see she's smiling, and she responds it's been way too long, she leans forward and the of you kiss, squeezing her breasts as you do. You stand up and drop your jeans to show your big cock, she. The sensation I felt was her tensing up to orgasm. It seemed the cock in her pussy and the added finger up her ass did it. She began to scream. Fearing another hotel guest would call the police, I clamped my mouth on top of hers. She screamed into my mouth.After her orgasm subsided, I slowed down my cock strokes and eventually withdrew. I simply said, "It's my turn!" I wormed my way up to her chest. Sitting on her belly, I pushed her big tits together with my thigs, then began to wank toward. The squad leader started off by describing some of the local monsters.The next morning the mages gave us a warning of enemy moving towards the city. We left as the sun started to rise. I carried my ten millimeter carbine and watched the left like I had been told. The whole company was on the move so most of the monsters would avoid us. Six hours later I was hot and sweaty and ready for a break.The platoon split off and headed to the southwest while the company went to the northwest. My squad.
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