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He starts to kiss his way down,then Spreading her legs wide, exposing her pink, wet pussy. He starts lapping at her, taking in the slight tang of her pussy juice. He then puts in his fingers, licking her clit and fucking her with his fingers. “Jake, I’m going to cum, just fuck me.” Jake then stops, pulls her off and bends her over the counter.Rhiannon moans as he teases her, his cock rubbing the entrance to her pussy now dripping with her juices. “I want you inside me now!” Rhiannon demands,. When they hardened enough the hands left only to be replaced shortly by two rubber coated clamps. Kim winced slightly in pain and groaned when it felt something like pleasure. The hands pulled lightly on the clamps causing Kim to thrash lightly in alarm at the pain. The hands left the clamps where they were and stroked her body lightly down to her cunt and then avoiding it just barely they stroked her legs. A mouth began sucking on the hollow of her throat and Kim started moaning through the. I accepted it into my mouth and stroked it with my tongue. I could hear him speaking, but his words meant nothing to me. “You used supersonic or her, didn’t you? Well done Tentacruel! I thought we’d have to torture her and break her the old fashioned way, but this will be much more fun.”The words were so confusing better just to focus on the feeling of the tentacles, deep inside of me, or the tentacle that was now gently stroking me clit, or the interesting feeling of the cock in my mouth.. Without the wall making it look smaller, it was so thick and long that it was intimidating looking. Up and down my hands went on my dad's cock.."Oh god Honey, what are you doing?" he moaned.."Taking care of your erection daddy," I replied.."You like that baby? You like daddy's fat cock?" he asked.."Yes daddy. It's so huge and thick and hard," I answered..”Who am I to deprive my daughter of pleasure?” chuckled dad as he used his right hand to grab a handful of my hair and shoved me down onto his.
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