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She spread my legs and took me inside her again as I wrapped my legs around her hips. We began fucking again, in an unusual position for me to be sure. "You like?" she cooed. "So far, so good." I replied.She fucked my cock like a pro. I was wondering why I had not heard of this position before, when She said breathlessly, "You hold tight, please." I wrapped my arms and legs tightly around little brown sister's body. She pushed her knees under her body, lifting it off of the bed and mine. She didn't appear to be seriously injured. Jerry took her hand and helped her up. "Can you walk? We've got to get up to the roof. Downstairs everything's on fire."At the end of the hall there was a narrow flight of stairs leading upward. In all his months of living in the building, Jerry had never climbed all the way up to the roof, three stories higher. "A hell of a time to go exploring," he muttered as his landlady preceded him up, stumbling and clutching the splintery wooden banister. He. I’m not just talking light bondage, Val. Please let me do this for you and Jason! You don’t have to submit to anyone! I would submit: to you! I’d be a kajira, a pleasure slave, with my sole purpose in life to satisfy my Master and Mistress, which would be Jason and you. I know that I want this! I knew it the second I read about it. It’s exactly the life that I want, and you and your son are the perfect people to dominate me! You can fuck each other as equals, but then have your way with me! If. Hands suddenly seemed to be everywhere on my body, my bra roughly unlatched and two tongues began chewing on my nipples.Unwillingly, I moaned loudly, again trying to keep my eyes down. This seemed to excite them even more having the same effect on me as well. I felt my hands being guided to their hardened cocks and I rubbed them through their trousers. The man at my crotch pulled the panties aside; plunging his tongue into my pussy, licking and lapping, with his finger still inside me. I felt.
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