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' She smiled and gripped me harder.I almost came in the excitement as my heart thudded against my chest. Just in time, Barbara let go and slid her hand down her body.I gasped and Barbara stood up, slowly made her way to the door and looked back over her shoulder. I was mesmerised.She shrugged her robe down so that it fell from her shoulders to her waist and she let me drink in the sensuality of her curves. After a brief pause, she ground her way to the floor and let the robe fall. Her ass was. She seemed to guess what was going on with me, since she took my dick out of the mouth, kept stroking and aimed on her face. That was the last drip to drive me over the edge and I released everything. Shot after shot emerged from my dick and splurted completely over her face and inside her cleavage. With a lustful glint she smiled up to me“Okay, so far for warming up. I think you want more, right?”With this words she stood up and lifted the bottom of her dress up. I was met with pure sexyness.. He rubbed her side's and began pulling off her blouse. With her blouse off and on the floor he began slowly kissing her neck with small light kisses. She moaned loudly as his soft kisses found her neck. Shivers went down her spine and her skin tingled. Slowly she ran her hands down his smooth back. He reached behind her and unhooks her bra then ran his hands down to un zip her skirt. He slipped it off from around her hips and pulled of her panties. Naked she looked up at him mischiviously and. . even though it would have completely ruined my life... it's scary!" How do you think you would have felt, if you had walked out of the locker room that way?" Oh, it would have been amazing!" Michelle answered quickly. But then she averted her eyes, embarrassed by her display of enthusiasm. She spoke in a low voice, "It's like being addicted to a d**g. I mean, I've never done d**gs, but I think it's the same. I know it's a bad thing, I know it's self-destructive, but even with all that...I.
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