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It was not strange to feel each other's breast, not being much more different than they would do when they would do to themselves when masturbating. It became difficult when they were instructed to abuses each other's nipples. They had both suffered under the abuse of the Commander, the Judge and other's and knew what it felt like. Now they were being forced to do it to another and at the same time had it done to them.Rebecca turned around on the bed, crawling between the legs of Sara. "Spread. . it was around 8pm as i recall and couple other friends and I went to buy more booze and we left her alone with her bf and her girl friend, on our way back we saw the guy leaving, he was visibly pissed, but i dint care and my other friends handed me over 2 bags full of booze to bring them while they talked to him, when i came back to the abandoned mansion i asked what was wrong and they were both a bit more tipsy than when we left half an hour ago, her(E) asked me "since you guys always talk. “Let’s see.” She took his wrist and unbuttoned his shirt cuff, pushing the sleeve back. He hoped she couldn’t hear his breath catching. He hoped he couldn’t feel his pulse racing. He definitely hoped she wouldn’t look down and see the bulge starting, yet again, in the front of his trousers. She peered at his elbow. There was the slightest haze of a red mark. “Oh, you poor thing. My mum used to blow on things to make them better.” She did so, pursing her soft, luscious lips, the soft luscious. She was being pushed forward on the barn floor and her face was now flush against the sweaty harness on the wall. The scent of the reindeer musk blended into her own female scents leaking profusely down her legs. She looked up into the eyes of both Prancer and Vixen and thought she could read the pity in their eyes for her submissive acceptance of male dominance. Gunther was dissatisfied with her lack of movement and began to spank her on both flanks with heavy hands demanding more "move your.
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