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His tool was erect, the glans glistening.Gloria surprised herself at how easily her out of practice mouth and throat adjusted to the size of this tool. No doubt the man thought, given her helpless position, he had power over her. She knew differently. Even though he dictated the rhythm she could tell from the state of his cock, from its response to her clever oral skills that really he was at her mercy. She sucked and felt the heat and tension build in his tool. His meat muscle had a life of. . There was a flash, then suddenly I found myself standing inside some sort of glass cylinder like in one of those science fiction movies. In fact, the room I was now in appeared to be a strange mixture of alien and human technology, and the giant wasp-like creatures who entered the lab were definitely from a B type movie.I didn’t notice the other cylinder chambers beside me until one of them raised up, releasing the little girl trapped inside who surprisingly didn’t run, but actually walked. I said to Raymond when he came down fromhis room, "Hi Raymond, did you keep yourself busy while we were out," hereplied, "Yes I just played on my games, you know usual stuff."I nearly replied, yes we do know what you've been doing Raymond.Later I was sitting in bed reading, when my mind started to drift offabout what we were going to make Raymond do this summer, and I will admitI could not getting to see him dressed as a girl out of my mind, I keptthinking how nice it would be to have two girls. I must confess what she told me did indeed reveal what she referred to as a dark side her personality.She explained that she had been sexually active as a student and in her twenties but her career and other factors allowed little scope for a permanent relationship and after a one night holiday fling 12 years ago when she was slightly taken off guard by a direct sexual request to take her to her room and have sex from a young man she had been celibate.She had however felt frequently aroused and.
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