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I can tell by your hesitation and then the bite you place right below my ear.Is it just me, or does biting just... drive you crazy in all the best ways?! Now, some of my lushie friends know for a fact that I am not a quiet person during sex. I'll admit I'm a screamer. I don't really know why, but I honestly can't help it. If it feels good, you will definitely know. So I'm trying very hard not to cause a scene as your fingers are pushing me towards that special place. It takes all my strength. The contents of the carts were now hidden from view; white cloths were draped over the tools that I would use on his young body. He was a nice looking boy, approximately 12 years old. His body was lean and tan, except for the area of his skin that was pale white and outlined from his wearing of shorts. The room was chilly, so his skin was covered with goose bumps. His blue eyes looked scared and uncertain. His arms were held to the sides of the exam table by black leather straps. His legs were. .nope”Me: “Really? No cavorting? No boys? I don’t believe it. ... truth” Cindy: “What about you? Any girls?”Me: “No. Just school and work” Cindy: “And I don’t believe that either... ...truth” I had to try and test the watersMe: “Do you ever think of me when you diddle?”Cindy looked at me with a surprised look and let out a small giggle. “Diddle? Is that a code word for poking pins into a voodoo doll?”I laughed and shook my head. “Always the smart-ass.. " She sternly demanded.I stuck my obedient tongue back out and pushed it against her dark pinkish-brown hole and lapped on it. The sweetly-sour taste of it had turned into a very musky sour taste from her fart, yet I still found it very enjoyable nonetheless. I licked her ass loads."Hmmm god your as filthy as you are stupid..." She groaned, obviosuly enjoying her power over me.Finally, after what felt like hours, she moved her butt away from my face and turned to face me."I hope you know I'm.
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