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“Come through to the garden and I will show you what needs doing” she said leading the way, I remember thinking what a lovely figure she had. We reached the garden which had a small patio with a sun lounger and a couple of chairs and she showed me the small lawn that needed cutting.She showed me where the mower was and I got started. Julie laid on the lounger and we were making small talk as I pushed the old mower. It was hard work and I was beginning to get a sweat and looking at Julie laying. Me: “Owww… Did you have to push so hard?”Rachel: “Shut up unless you want to get hit. Did you have to take so long?”I found Rachel making herself comfortable on my bed while she continued to let out a long list of rants and I paused her by asking if she would like a drink. I hoped that a nice cup of tea would occupy her mouth, but she just placed it on the bedside table and continued complaining that I had a bigger room than her. I finally gave up listening and took out my 7D and snapped away. The little bitch on the end is new. I am just trying her out. She was one of the university students caught up on the last sweep of rebels.We moved out at a fast pace. The trail was relatively clear under the thick dark growth of huge mature trees. It didn?t take long for the prisoner?s bodies to become coated with sweat as they moved under their heavy loads. The only sound was an occasional crack of whip on a prisoner?s bare butt cheeks. After three hours we stopped for a short break. Each. Her friend was a normal women as well, maybe close to her age as well but I didn't pay much attention to her friend.I always liked to talk to foreigners in a free time, learn about their culture, themselves and I got quite good friends there. So I did the same with them as well, we were sitting outside and talking about different stuff. We decided to check who is taller among us and she stood next to me, we had almost the same height. While we were talking she turned her back to my back stood.
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