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I sprang to my feet to see Mr. Thomas’ walking through the door.“Hey Michael, sorry I’m so late. I went out with the guys from the job site for some after work drinks and lost track of time. It was a good stress reliever. Were the kids okay tonight?”“Haha its okay Mr. Thomas. The kids have been in bed for hours and they were well behaved all day. Sometimes a guy needs to blow off some steam. Besides, I have pants in the dryer so I didn’t mind waiting. Sorry about stealing your shorts.”“That’s. The gown had three buttons in it. I slowly started by touching her boobs slowly and was surprised that there was no bra. All my senses and judgment about right or wrong was gone for a toss and i started pressing her boobs with hands and my palms. Slowly after some time i noticed that she was breathing faster than usual, i was very afraid and slowly moved away and closed my eyes and lied still. After some time i looked at her and saw her sleeping sideways with her back towards me. I could see. Then suddenly our servant called from outside. Mom went out without a word leaving me horny. Then she came and said that Lissy aunty was asking for my help with cleaning her water tank.Even though it was Lissy aunty I was in no mood to go. But I had to. So I went to her home. She was alone as her daughters had gone to School. My little boy was still hard, though not in 90°. She didn’t even notice that and asked me to follow her and started going up the stairs. She was wearing a white nighty. ”"I don’t know what else he could say to change how I feel and I sure don’t want him in my house. However, if you think it will help I will listen, but do understand I am not in favor of this at all.”As Bill finished speaking their doorbell rang. Randi went to the door and let Mike in. Before they went into the living room she explained how upset Bill was. Mike said he understood and would see what he could do to help.Upon entering the living room Mike sat on the couch, opposite Bill, and Randi.
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