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She threw caution to the wind, and before she really knew what she was doing, the paper was signed, and Preston had come out from the shadows to guide her into his personal suite.A few minutes later, she was sitting on a bed, while he leaned on a table, and he began to speak."So Nica, tonight I'm going to be pushing you to discover things you may not have experimented with before. We will go over them as we get to them, but I'll need you to trust me. In the agreement you signed, it stated that. Anal. Brutal. She held my hand. She touched my hair. "I love you, Jessica." "Jesse." "Right." She leaned forward, and she kissed me, softly. It was nice. I felt her hand on my breast, and I put mine on hers. "Jess, I have to tell you something," she said. "Yes?" "You're not a lesbian. I'm not either." "I feel like a lesbian." She smiled. "No, you feel erotic. You feel aroused. And that's wonderful. I am, too. But you can't let these assholes change your life. We. ‘Fuck me,’ I demanded, ‘Fuck me good and hard.’ Hubby got himself between my legs. I knew he was going to tease me first and make me beg for his cock before he would give me his thrust. He rubbed the swollen purple head of his cock on my clit. Slowly, rubbing it up and down. ‘Stick it in, please,’ I pleaded, ‘stick it in now.’ He then guided it along my slit, up and down. I was going insane. Anne and I were enjoying some deep kisses and I started to finger her again. I could not take. I took a long deep breath. I had made this deal; I should try to make good on it. Six months. I could do six months. "What would you like to do about that?" I asked He closed the distance between us and combed my hair out of my face with his fingers. He held my head and kissed me, his tongue in my mouth, his moan vibrating against my lips. His lips grew fiercer. His hands traveled down my back and over my ass. My heart raced. I didn't know how to defend against it. Taking off my clothes had.
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