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Letting my eyes drift downwards I drank in the swell of her bare pubic mound through the transparent material of her panties and the slight bulge of her pussy lips."More?" she asked in a low, sexy voice."Yes!" I croaked out through my suddenly dry mouth.Reaching between her breasts she fumbled for a moment then the bra went loose, the cups dropped away from her tits and I stared enraptured at the first truly naked boobs I had ever seen. I barely noticed her shrugging off the bra so intent was I. 175cm groß, kurze helle Haare und eine normale Figur. Seine Freundin Jana 25 Jahre alt, ca. 165cm, schwarze lange, bis Mitte Rücken, Haare, mit einer üppigen Oberweite und keine schlanke, aber auch keine dicke Figur.Beide haben für das Wochenende schon etwas vor. Kevin trifft sich mit seinen Kumpels, einmal im Monat, zum Karten spielen und Jana trifft sich mit ihren Freundinnen zu einem Mädels Abend. Bei Kevin weiß man nie, wie lange es dauert. Meistens ist er aber Samstagabend wieder zu. The others then joined me, and once we had our cuppas, I looked at Pearl, “So how did you get here, Pearl?” I asked her.“How do you know my name?” she asked me with a little trepidation.“I’m not sure if you will feel sorrow or not, but Doug is dead,” I told her.She went pale, and then relief washed over her face, and I felt some of the tension go out of her body. “Thank you, you have no idea how much better that makes me feel. I was always worried that he would come here. It was why I couldn’t. Suddenly, she leaned her head forward and took the whole wet finger tip in her mouth, and closed her lips around it, with a little scared look. As she held the finger in her mouth and tasted the moisture, her scared look melted away, and she closed her eyes in rapturous appreciation of moisture in her mouth. She kept her finger in her mouth for a long moment, seeming to try to suck every molecule off of it. She pulled it out of her mouth and opened her eyes with a manic, excited look. She.
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