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Slowly I sink to the floor, crying in pain and embarrassment. He takes a few pictures of me curled up on the floor, then grabs my arm, forcing me to stand. We walk to the bathroom and he runs me a shower. I want you to wash thoroughly, but dont touch that gag. I do as I am told and wash every inch of myself, trying to get the smell of blood and sex off of me. As I finish rinsing off, he joins me in the shower. Now, wash me. Timidly, I soap him down with the washcloth and he rinses under the. " Of course, a thought tumbled off the stack in my head. "You heard Nikki's new nickname at the lab?" Nope." Sticky Nikki. She was talking to Doctor E and Doctor E commented that Nikki's proposal was 'sticky'. So 'Sticky Nikki'." Or Tricky Nikki. Her name yells for rhyme and the commission of felony poesy."I giggled. "Or Ubikky Nikki. What about me?" You. Well, Stoney says you are the sister woodland nymph to his Johanna. And the fact that you try to trick your poor ol' husband by concatenating. On the night stand the red rose lay quietly in the glow of a small lamp. Naked and throbbing, I slid quietly into the bed beside her, our eyes never wavering, voices never sounding. Hesitating for an instant, I reached out to gently touch her creamy skin causing a shudder to pass through her body and a tiny moan to escape her lips. Gently, I cupped her breast in my hand, feeling her nipple press against my palm. Her fingers gently closed over mine and a tiny gasp escaped her lips as she pushed. ‘Dusty, huh?’ Baxter laughed with a deep, rich sincerity that Shari had slowly discovered was one of the only ways he was capable of emotionally connecting with others. If he laughed like this he was truly amused, and present in the moment. ‘Aren’t you all cold?’ he wanted to know. ‘Hence, this,’ the young man explained, indicating the weed and raising his eyebrows. ‘Not exactly beach weather, I know.’ ‘Last year it snowed,’ the young woman added, leaning down to chat with Shari. She seemed not.
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