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The three new arrivals definitely did not notice, as their minds were on a much more serious matter: budgeting. Sitting in the ramshackle local tavern they tried to puzzle their way out of the mess they had found themselves in.The three had been adventuring together for some time, but had yet to build any renown. Their leader was Lady Naomi, a striking figure, powerfully built but with delicate, refined facial features, her fiery red hair flowing in a long braid. Her milky white freckled skin. A translator. I couldn’t believe my luck, but, how to approach this, that was the problem. I knew that it was outside my job description, but I had wanted this my whole life. I just hoped Mr. M would be as psyched about — or at least as accepting of – the idea as I was. I would just have to convince him this would be more economical – that was my best course of action. I was already an employee on payroll, and I was familiar with his schedule and contacts. I hopped up out of my chair confident. No one would question that, and Injerd and Elisa could be the pilots so that Tom Schneider and Ron Barton would not be required. They could take the NI-01, as the distance was about seventy-six hundred nautical miles and the range of the A380 was eighty-three hundred nautical miles, it would be no problem especially if Injerd and Elisa used their trick from the flight from Hawaii to teleport them most of the distance. Brad felt that with Maddy along they would have excellent medical support,. "She looked at me like she didn't know me. "Are you sure?" Yeah, I'm sure. I can take it." OK. You promise me I won't hear about this later when you're trying to prove what a slut I am?"I pulled her to me and kissed her hard. She gasped as I let her loose. "I promise. I know I was an ass last week. Show me something you'd like for your birthday." OK. Go sit over there. You can see it when I've changed."I sat down and tried to look at things other than Jill. She kept looking over at me with a.
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