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She grabbed my dick and licked me clean. “That was sooo kool Michael. How did I do? She asked. “Are you kidding me? Do you know that you just gave me a blow job? God, my first ever blow job! I loved it!” I babbled. “Lorlei, just think of how much you liked me licking you only a million times better! You looked soooo sexy when you opened you mouth to let me see my stuff…and THEN you swallowed it. I almost lost my balance you made me so horny. “What made you do that?” Lorlei was blushing and. He did too, for that matter.She’d said he’d turned her world upside down. What she didn’t know was that she’d had a similar effect on him. He’d spent a lifetime avoiding serious relationships, because he didn’t have the time and freedom necessary to nourish one. Moreover, it was always possible he wouldn’t come back from a mission. He’d been to funerals of his brothers in arms, and seen the wreckage of the young wives and children they sometimes left behind, alone. He didn’t want to do that to. Then her tongue penetrated my mouth and caressed my tongue in ways I had never imagined. All I could think about was how that tongue would feel on my cock."Okay, you convinced me. You can join us this weekend."With that we ate breakfast, and talked about school and the professors. Sheila was a very smart and funny woman. I liked her and would ordinarily have been eager to get into her pants. But, I was apprehensive I was worried that if she turned out to be gay I would have failed as a man. As. .. Oh hades no! I wager he found those doctors – AGAIN!I retraced my steps to the doctor's lounge. While in transit, I decided if Jack was drunk again I would seriously kick his rear!Flashback – Jack – Hair of the dog... I wasn't really sure where the doctor's lounge was but I had a general idea (hey give me a break I'm nursing an atomic hangover). When I got to what I thought was the right door, I opened it and what the hell!!! This wasn't the right doctor's lounge, it was a different office,.
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