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“What about the rest of the equipment?”The first thing Nikki checks is her watch, which unfortunately is still not working. They go about checking each piece of electronic equipment, but nothing else works.“That’s strange,” Riley says. “I wonder why only these work.” She waves the flashlight around through the air.“Maybe because it’s the only piece of equipment we have that runs on a cell,” Nikki offers.“That’s probably it,” Riley agrees. Then she frowns. “Let’s hope the cells last until we can. As she carefully slid it up her leg, the change spread upward. Her voiceraised to a pleasant alto as her adam's apple shrank away. Her facesoftened and became more feminine. The slight stubble on her cheeks wasgone, replaced by a peaches and cream complexion. She was suddenly wearing bright red lipstick and dark, almost blackeyeshadow. Her complexion was lightened now by a white blusher that gaveher a sort of cadaverous look. Her hair was still spiked, but now itreached down almost to her. Before I left Elaine gave me a tight hug, pressing my face deep between her big tits. My dick got stiff and I made a hasty retreat before she noticed it. Lobo and I made our way to 'my meadow' and I sat on the bank of the stream, tossing pebbles in and thinking dark thoughts about Curt. I also thought wonderful, sexy thoughts about Elaine. By the age of fourteen I knew a lot more about sex than I had at seven. I knew exactly where my stiff cock was supposed to go, though of course I hadn't had. Alternate all over. Back to the boobs, over the lips, down to the other set of em, remember. It's all about her. Nibble a nipple. Blindfold her with a silk tie or something and push her hands above her head. 'No touching Dear'If you do this right guys, give it a college try, you will get your just rewards. When she gives up, finally relaxes, and you find that spot, it flows right through both of you. Trust me, once she cums like this, which is totally different than a clitoral orgasm, you will.
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