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Got a handful of cheek and my fingers slipped over into her crack. When she didn't seem to mind, I did it again and told her I wasn't kidding. To make a long story short, I gave her a five dollar tip for the views and this time she seemed offended, but I did get a nice sweaty hug before I left. PART 2 A few weeks later during a gas trip she asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said just give me money, but what I really wanted was just to see her topless. I got told to just get over it.. Celia walked in with a huge smile on her face as shelooked at her daughter."Well angel things certainly are looking good with the girls; Brandywas just trying to Simone to behave. The little tyke is outside in thesand box." Okay mom, shopping okay?" Yeah was a..................." The women were interrupted by a screamfrom out side.They both ran to the window and looked out to where the sand box was tosee someone trying to take Simone from the back yard. They saw theolder girl come barreling. She licked her lips in anticipation as he separated from Alice and made his way in Mara’s direction. He was a fellow dom, so this might be interesting, but he wasn’t the type to leave her hanging. He stopped in front of her and drank in her naked, sweaty form. He grinned and tapped one of the basic controls. Her bonds abruptly shifted, yanking her roughly from a traditional doggy style to an upright kneeling position, legs and arms spread, with her back slightly arched to thrust her chest. I closed my eyes and moaned a little. And he said “dude this is so gay. I don't want to do this.” “Please please I'm almost there” I said. Which although I was so horny, I wasn't that close because I was afraid he was going to stop and could tell he didn't want to do it. So I reached over and strated messing with his dick which had gone soft. I played with his balls and rubbed his dick which got him to keep jacking mine. He wasn't doing a very good job on mine and was putting very minimal.
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