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" Then I stood up. Do I kiss him? Hug him? Shake his hand?He waved at me. "See you later," then he rolled over.I turned and left.For the next few days, I was practically leaping at my phone every time it made a noise, thinking Bruce was calling. On day four, he finally called me just before lunch."Hey," he said. "Sorry for not calling sooner. It's been crazy with the band. How have you been?"I was in my office thinking about what I was going to do for lunch when he called. I suddenly had an. Linda says you loved that didn't you, you loved watching me get fucked by those big black cocks didn't you. My reply came easily, yes, you looked amazing. Linda got up on the counter and spread her legs wide, Look what they've done to me, their huge black cocks, they felt so good in my cunt. I look at Linda curiously not used to her using that word, in fact she hadn't liked me using it before. Linda continued, well now that I'm a slut how loves big black cocks, they fucked me so much it really. In barely five minutes he let loose a stream of hot cum that shot out of his pulsing cock with such force he almost hit himself in the chin… he could feel the warm, wet lines he continued to spurt laying heavy on his chest and stomach, slowly soaking into his black tshirt. Tucking the concert ticket into the console between the seats of his beat up old Chevelle, he opens his eyes and laughs a little at the splashed trails of pearly cum on his shirt, peeling it off carefully and tossing it in. I turned and stretched my legs along the length of the back seat, my feet pointing to where the toilet was. Both seats in front of the toilet were empty, perhaps the thought of a bad smell put people off, but for me it meant I could enjoy my forbidden pleasuring, and not worrying about being caught.The heat and the hum from the air-conditioning along with tiredness soon had me dozing instead of fingering, the driver had also turned all the inner lighting off.The first I was aware of someone on.
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