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She was so pleasing to his eye. Without knowing anything about her, he knew he would look at her as a complete stranger and be attracted to her. It started at first with her face, those expressions mentioned earlier, but as time went on he found his gaze drifting down past her face to her chest, thankful for the days she wore something that outlined her breasts. Or to her arms and hands, which were so delicate, but so accomplished as well. He loved to watch her fingers glide effortlessly. ?Let?s see, what shall we wear today?? Laura looks through her girl?s closet. ?Oh this is so pretty,? she says as she holds up a little purple dress.?Oh it is mommy. Please let me wear it!??But its so pretty will you try not to get it dirty???Yes mommy I promise I won?t get it dirty.??It?s cold out this morning lets get you a little slip on under it. Arms up sweetie.?The girl puts her arms up as Laura slips the little silky under slip over her head, and then the dress. ?Turn around for mommy.?. She asked me if I was there before, and I said ‘No’.It had snowed the day before, and when I got to this place, I made the mistake of almost walking inside the given address, until I called again, and on the phone she talked me through the convoluted directions until I saw the same woman waving to me from a doorway.The (attractive) all-smiles lady said her name was Ewa (or E-Waa). She led me to a dark room and said someone will be in shortly. I paid my $60 house fee, and got undressed. I left. "Where are you going?" I said."dont worry, im just going to the bathroom. Ill be right back. Go back to sleep."I actually did here her go into the bathroom, flush, and walk back out. As I heard her hand back on the doorknob to the bedroom she stopped. I could hear her whispering to someone and them whispering back. Then i heard some wet kissing sounds and a little moan from my sexy wife. I jumped out of bed and got my ear to the door. I got there just in time to listen to the most erotic.
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