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You may disembark the train to stretch legs etc. Please do not stray away from the train station, thank you Amtrak.”“Can we go out and stretch our legs, Bell?”“Right on. Let’s go back to our bedroom, grab a few things, and do that.”We head back to our cabin. We only have a backpack each, so we are traveling light. Bell hands me the Glock. She flips off her sweats and puts on black jeans.“Why are we taking guns?” I ask innocently.“We might meet a stranger in the night, can’t be too sure in this. And then I would begin to trace around the outside. She was staring to drip like the little slut she is, and I hadn't even touched her sex yet. I could feel her hips humping up at me, trying to make me touch her. But i didn't pulling back to only tease her nipples again. I would then tease her naval before sliding back down, sweat forming on her body, her hips humping the air, struggling at the bonds. And then I did it. I slid it into her hood, pulling her clit out and giving it direct contact.. You are the wealthiest person in the world, with the three most powerful women on Earth carrying your children. It doesn’t matter. Don’t try fucking with the cook.”I laughed so loudly and hard that it brought staff out of the woodwork.Once I had settled down, I said, “If you know all this about me, you know how I eat like a horse. Do you think I’m about to take a risk on pissing off the person who is going to slave away trying to fill my bottomless pit? Now Sushi places where I can demolish. The boy’s pretty face was fouled with blood and red dust, contorted into fear; his short, black hair no longer neatly tousled. Jamie’s dagger was still in his chest, leaking its poison through the boy’s body. It smelled something awful.Jamie was happy though. Clearly. This man couldn’t hide his bulging pants. Smirking, his sharp fangs showed clearly in the flickering torchlight. The way he was carrying about, he’d just won the World Cup. Asshole.There was no dagger in Arthur’s chest, yet ....
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