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She say her bf dick is only 4 inch. She told me she had just shaved her pussy. I ask her to spread her leg to show me. She did everything I told to...We reach the hotel and I check in. She was so hot that everyone in the lobby was looking at her. She was just standing there shyly looking down on ground. I ask her why so shy? worry people might recognise her or she is afraid people might think she is a PR girl? she said both, so i told her to come hug me. I start fondling her breast a little. Some elements were derived from work by the always extremely cool Colleem.A thousand thousand lifespans of the universe ago, a thousand thousand multiverses away, there had been a savage land of sorcery and blade, anger and righteousness, fury and fear, cunning and courage, glory... and greed. Always greed. Its name is long since lost, as is its history. Indeed, of everything this primordial world offered in its prime, only one thing endured -- and endures still.That thing is an old, battered. You're awfully chipper this morning," she commented at breakfast, "What's going on?"I looked at her, for a moment wondering if she knew or had guessed that I was taking her admonition to heart and getting my animal urges taken care of somewhere else. But nothing that would indicate such knowledge showed on her face. And to be honest, I didn't think that she was enough of an actress to fool me."Nothing special," I said, thinking that doing something for the third time probably reduced it from. Without slowing or stopping I pound her non stop up till I feel her legs shake and all the normal signs of her about to cum so I just pull straight out moving down and sliding out the plug as well and Amy cry's out begging and pleading for more like cock hungry slut.I move a chair facing the window and sit telling Amy to stand with legs over mine looking out and ride my cock, I hold her leash with firm grip keeping her head up straight for any views to see. Once again I wait and stop Amy before.
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