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He turned and went to the cabinet and yanked one of the drawers open. Pulling out a new syringe, he filled it and advanced on her. Then his anger faded and was replaced with a warm smile."Sammie, I am sorry I shouldn't have gotten angry at you but your kick hurt my hand. Now you volunteered for this, so be a good girl and take your medicine. Then it will be all over I promise you. You know I wouldn't hurt you." I ... I know, and I am sorry. Please, I promise I will behave. Can I have just the. ‘You saved me,’ she said in a doey-eyed cheesy sort of way that Justin almost felt guilty for exercising his power in such a way. Even if it was for good. ‘Do you live near here?’ Justin asked. ‘With my family who are probably sitting down to dinner now, we must hurry,’ She said still holding onto Justin’s hand. ‘Isis! Why are you so late? And who is this humongous boy you brought with you?’ Asked a man that Justin assumed to be her father. And her name was Isis. Justin looked at her again and. He asked me that since this was my first time that would I mind ifguided me thru this experience. I told him that would be fine and wouldin fact appreciate his input. I realized that as a woman I had a lot tolearn.Charles asked me if I would mind prancing around the living room andmodeling for him. I immediately got up and strutted my stuff. I gavehim a very seductive cat walk and he enjoyed it. I then came up to himand he unzipped my dress and I stepped out of it. "Let me see you modelfor me. "And you think you can take that, and then leave it after Friday?" Yes, I do," I said. "We're already adulterers, aren't we, technically? — twice. I think it's kind of exciting. Why don't we just be slightly more naughty about it?" I grinned, perhaps a bit too immaturely."I know we are. You don't need to remind me," she said a little frostily. She looked contemplative for a moment. "Relax: I'm not saying no."She wasn't saying no. "So, if you're not saying 'no', you must saying yes," I ventured.
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