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That night we sat watching tv, both of us in our pjs. I asked granny about sex, what it was like. She started talking and my cock got hard. As granny talked about the men she had had, she placed her hand on my leg. My head filled with images of a young hot granny taking these stranger's cock deep in her cunt, pleasing them. Her hand made its way to my now rock hard cock. She held it as she continued to talk. Then she pulled it out and stroked it, then she leaned over and put her mouth over. Susan hadn’t time to clean herself up and was happy to let Sean’s warm cum run down her legs. She was buzzing from sexual excitement. She hadn’t felt so on fire in a long time. If Garry didn’t get home soon she thought to herself she was going to jump Sean and get him to mount her. Sean didn’t bother cleaning his cum from his cock. He let the cum run free and a large, damp stain was now obvious on his cotton shorts. He didn’t care what Susan or Garry thought. He knew that this woman was his any. .. oh, well, never mind. But I hope they don't show up before we have a chance to eat. Do they wake up early, too, do you think? Or do they even sleep?"He gave a chuckle. "How would I know? But as I told you, I expect we are under observation. They will probably come when they see us awaiting them." 'Under observation, ' huh? Wonder how they took what they observed last night?" she grinned. "Well, in that case we need to look busy, not just 'awaiting.' You talk to the ship while I do something. I’ll drop the key off on our way out, but there’s nothing left for me here.”“Go take your shower, we’ll be waiting for you.”As she rushed off to the bathroom, Scarlett dropped to her knees in front of me and her right hand reached for my cock. “Can I finish what she started, Master? Having her naked body pressed up against you kept you hard even though she was crying, or was that turning you on as well?”“Tears are only arousing in certain circumstances, like when I had you over my lap for your.
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