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The first three days of the week we would be stopped so someone could fondle us. In retrospect, I preferred it to what was happening now.Our first hour English class was also our homeroom. We would receive announcements about upcoming events and other school news. Before Mr. Wilcox began his lessons, there was an announcement over the paging system. The announcement said there would be a meeting in the gym at seven o'clock that evening and all students, along with their parents, were to. He gives and yawn and looks around the unchanged land. He gets up does a couple of stretches. He grabs a flat rock and gets to work carving one of the giant stick he has for a spear. After the work he takes off his white shirt with a green snake on it and makes a hole big enough to put the spear in and walk around. He reputs the shirt on and puts the spear in its hole. He looks around the encampment wondering what all he can find in this land and hopefully find other champions as the elders. Instead of one or two other men there were two men and a woman sitting in the room having a drink. If I can remember correctly they were in their late 40's or early 50's.One of the men was there with his wife. In conversation it became obvious that they met occasionally for sex together and it wasn't long before all inhibitions were dropped and physical action commenced. I was offered a drink, but I declined as at that age I wasn't too fond of alcohol. The woman (wife) asked me to come and sit. She had it partedon the side rather than in the middle like I used to do. I ran myfingers through my hair and fluffed it out. Overall the experience hadn't been so bad. Certainly not like Iowa, butthen I had moved to the big city and if I wanted a white collar job Ishould look like I belonged there. I followed her up to the front desk and opened my wallet."This one's on me, Chris, remember?" She pushed my money back into mywallet. "You know, I did notice that you were looking for an.
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