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"What are you doing daddy?" she slurred the words slightly, exhausted and moments from sleep."I need to put you in a nappy, baby girl. You obviously can't hold your pee in like a big girl, so I need to make sure you won't wet the bed."Her eyes flew open at his words and she shook her head mutely, her face showing her humiliation clearly as she whispered "please no daddy!".He didn't bother to argue, simply pulling a fresh, thick nappy out from the cabinet under the sink. It was exactly like a. He was pretty sure Scott didn't know anything at this stage though. Ryan making up an excuse about his technology and the electrical sockets to sleep in the same room as his beautiful mother and exclude Scott seemed fool proof enough. Scott seemed non the wiser. There shouldn't be anything to worry about. The idiot doesn't know I'm about to French-Kiss his mother's fat juicy arsehole. Who would guess?He pulled that guilty 'hand in the cookie jar' expression again, an expression like he was. She pressed her body against his and rested her head on his strong shoulder. They sat in this manner for a long time, each comforting the other. Kintook eventually reached behind Calia and unhooked her chest beads and then reached down and untied the beaded cloth covering her womanhood. He lay her down next to him and took in her beautiful nude body. The Kintook stood, removed his headdress, beads and penis cover and then lay down on the furs next to his wife. Calia took her man into her arms. I then thought of the others. “We need to see how the others’ sex-traveganza went. Come on!”I pushed up, threw off the covers, and rolled out of bed. With Rhee at my back, we quickly opened their door and stepped inside.“Aww, look at them. Aren’t they so cute all cuddled up together?”I spoke quietly, but I was afraid that I’d already woken Liya, but she just turned a bit and re-settled. I noticed that Rhee was no longer with me, but I had a sneaking suspicion I knew why. When she re-entered.
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