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The only sign that this was new to you the white skin that showed across your ass and pelvis. Taking the lotion you said that you wanted to avoid burning and gave me the oil to apply to you. The oil was cool to my touch and I began to oil your back as you lay on your front. Of course the feel of your skin was enough to make my cock rock hard and I was glad that you could not see how I needed and wanted to push it into your pussy. As I oiled your ass you pushed into my hand and parted your legs. "What do you think?" Julie asked Matt as she guided his hands onto her boobs? "I love them!" Matt uttered. "You can suck them if you want?" suggested Julie. Matt started to do as Julie had suggested. Julie wrapped both hands around the back of Matt's head, pulling him right into her 36dd's. She looked over to me and smiled, then motioned for me to take some more photos with Matt's phone. I snapped a few pics of Matt sucking on her tits. Julie smiled to the camera, and even posed pulling wide. Me, well you can say I went all in this year. Of course, I was pulling for my man Payton and his sexy arm to get the job done and reclaim his seat as the best quarterback in the league. I went as far as to purchase a Peyton jersey to show my full support! The party was at our house, and there was only one person who showed up out of the five people invited. We were all chilling before the game just knocking a few back and goofing off, when our special guest (We will call him Mark) started. Their stock doubled almost right after it went public.”“Good. You did your homework.”“I guess you came to pick up the results of your investment.”“What investment?”“That five hundred dollars. I’ll admit I took a little of it as commissions. I did keep it well within the lines of standard broker fees.”“That’s your money. I gave it to you.”“No, it’s your money.”“Sorry. You got that wrong. I gave it to you to win or lose.”“Well, I’ve been treating it like it was your money.”“That was nice of you..
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