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Kelly said she told him “Why didn’t you tell them to leave so you can get laid?” She said Marcus laughed and said “I think they sort of knew. One of the guys asked me if I was getting any of that and pointed to your door. I told him no, but not sure what he thought.”Kelly said that she told Marcus she wanted to take a shower and asked him to join her. She said that the both got undressed and when they walked into the bathroom, she got to see just what I see when they are together. She said. When he came back she was already in the shower. “can i come in?” he asked through the shower’s sliding glass door which was blurred so even if you were on the other side of it, you couldnt make out anything. “yeah, come on in, the waters fine!” she and jonas laughed at the corny joke.Jonas was about to get in when he realized that his sister’s bikini top was on the sink, she was in there topless! He opened the sliding glass door and there his sister was, looking at him, completely drenched in. I want him to put me on the bed. I want him inside me. He snaps the flogger again this time my lower back. I wince away. He grabs my arms and make me stand Im swaying from the wine and the blindness and the sensations all at once. He pushes me hard so I flop onto my bed face down ass up and says, shall I punish you? Have you been a sweet Pet this week? I whimper, no master and he says what did you do? I say I was disrespectful and he says then you should be punished. I say, yes master. David and Vick were still laughing, but Thomas was just grinning. "Where's Michael?" I asked. Thomas replied, "He stepped out for a second, he'll be back. Okay, who's next? Vick?" Vick stood up, still giggling, and went to the corner of the room and grabbed a chair. He pulled it to the center of the room and sat down in it. "Okay Marcie," Vick started, "I dare you to come over here and bend over my knee so I can give you the spanking you deserve for lying to us." Again, not wanting to make.
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