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I ask myself if she knows how much she means to me then I hear her voice telling me how much I mean to her and once again I’m satisfied cause I know she wants me as much as I want her. I realize its only time that has separated us and that one day soon we will be together just as I imagined it would be… nothing but smiles when I think of you, laughter and joy in our voices when we speak, our imaginations running wild while making plans to meet.I can’t sleep baby, I’m so anxious I know the time. She immediately came again and sat up, forcing her pussy into my face and trying to get my tongue deeper inside. She was sliding her sweet little pussy all over my face, her juice was everywhere. Stephanie got up off of me, grabbed a towel off the nightstand, and cleaned off my face. “Sorry about that,” she said. “That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” I said. Steph smiled, grabbed a hold of my cock and said how nice it was, and that she loved how it curved upwards. “It’s good for hitting. Admittedly, we both did, smiling at her by way of an answer. "Then consider this as our own private little sex show," she told us. "Though feel free to make yourselves even more comfortable in order to enjoy it," she added. Initially, neither Mieke nor I made any attempt at doing anything more than merely sit there, watching Kim however as she undid the sash on her Kimono as she walked over to a CD player she had nearby and put on some music. As it began playing, she began dancing, swaying to. ”“ I was eighteen. She was home from college. She showed me naked pictures of her boyfriend and her girlfriend, who looked a lot like Mom by the way and well one thing led to another and we became lovers, still are sometimes... Okay a lot” “when did it slow down ?”“when I met your Dad. Fell madly in love with him and committed to being a good and monogamous girlfriend and then wife. We never did stop totally. That is why neither of us could maintain marriages.”“Oh” I said letting it all.
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