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She wrote something a sheet of paper then dropped all of her stuff onto the floor, however she somehow made sure that the sheet of paper she had just written on made it closest to me. Being the gentleman that i am i insisted on helping to pick up her stuff, and of course to receive the note which she dropped on the floor.i get back in my seat and open the paper. it has her number and two questions.What is your name and how big is that cock of yours?I put her number in my phone and wait for. She twirled her tongue around its head. She licked my thighs and gently squeezing my stones. She kept switching from one operation to the other.Soon a big drop of pre cum appeared on the tip of my cock, which she flicked away with her tongue. Then she took my cock in her mouth and commenced to suck it.'Oh, it feels sooo good, ' I moaned closing my eyes to enjoy the sensation her warm mouth was producing.Her head bobbed up and down on my cock. My hips started to move. "Amba, SUCK FASTER, GO ON,. Ana had met Jim sometimes at my office and a couple of parties.She had never before had the chance to meet him at our home…I knew she was horny about that black guy, but she had never got the opportunity of being alone with him…Ana looked at me; asking if I had finished. I nodded and then she stood up and told she was going to take a shower.I sat down again in front of the computer; the couch was sticky and wet from my sexy wife's sweaty outfit. I could smell her sex odor.Jim smiled to me;. When I arrived she was stood outside talking to a guy who is presumed was someone she worked with. They were stood close to each other and she was laughing at everything he said, touching his arm when she did. This wasn’t usual behaviour for her so I guessed she’d had a few to drink and was in a flirty mood, so I knew I’d be fucking her when we got homeAs I pulled up next to them and opened the window she popped her head through and said she told Max I’d give him a lift home. Now it made sense,.
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